How to Knit a Wedge Toe

A wedge toe is the most commonly used method for finishing top town socks. A gradually rounded toe is created by working decreases at both sides of the foot, and then the end is closed up by grafting the top and bottom stitches together with Kitchener stitch, thus avoiding a seam on the inside of the sock. The wedge toe can be shortened or lengthened by removing or adding rows between the decrease rows, and the number of decrease rows can be changed to make a more or less pointy toe, depending on the shape of your foot.

Divide the stitches equally between two needles, with the top of the foot on one needle, and the bottom of the foot on the other (you may choose to use more needles, just make sure that the top and bottom of the sock are separated, for example you could use two double pointed needles to hold the top of the foot and two for the bottom). Start from the beginning of the bottom of the foot.

Round 1: K1, SSK at the beginning of the first needle, knit to 3 stitches from the end of the first needle, K2tog, K1. Repeat for the second needle. 4 stitches decreased.

Round 2: Knit all stitches.

Repeat these two rounds until you have reduced the number of stitches on each needle by half. Then work round 1 only until you have approximately 1 inch width of stitches on each of the two needles. Graft the remaining stitches together with Kitchener stitch.


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