Journal Harriet Journal Harriet

Flock Playlist September 2024

Our September playlist is a super chilled selection of tracks to accompany quiet craft projects, walks in the woods and time spent reading or studying. Inviting you to take some time out just for yourself in this traditionally hectic month.

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Journal Harriet Journal Harriet

Flock Playlist June 2024

A sultry playlist for a June that can’t seem to make up its mind. One moment we are out enjoying the sun and then the next we are indoors on the sofa with our knitting as it pours with rain. Make the most of it either way!

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Journal Chris Journal Chris

Flock Playlist April 2024

This month’s playlist is a selection of peaceful instrumentals from around the world. Music to create a space to allow your mind to wander, even if just for a few minutes - enough time to brew some tea and knit a few rows.

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Journal Harriet Journal Harriet

Flock Playlist: November 2023

Some of the music that I’ve been enjoying recently whilst knitting. This one is perfect for curling up indoors with a hot drink while the wind and rain lashes down outside - something that’s been happening a lot these past couple of weeks!

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